TLD Readers, Material and Accessories


Phoenix Dosimetry Ltd are the appointed UK and Irish distributor for Thermo Electron. We offer the full range of Harshaw TLD Readers, Materials and accessories.

TLD Readers and Materials

Harshaw TLD Readers

The range of Readers are ideal for various applications of Radiation Dose Monitoring including:

  • Personal Dose Monitoring (whole body and Extremity)
  • Diagnostic Surveys
  • Patient Dosimetry
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • High Dose / Accident Dosimetry
  • Food irradiation monitoring


Model 3500 For manual processing of loose chips, pellets and powder
Model 5500 For automated processing of up to 50 loose chips, pellets and microrods / cubes
Model 6600 For automated processing of Cards and Extremity Dosemeters (200 / loading)
Model 8800 For high capacity automated processing of Cards and Extremity Dosemeters (1,400 / loading)
TLD Irradiators We offer a stand alone Irradiator and an integrated one for the M-6600 and M-8800 Readers
Upgrades Please contact our sales office for information on mid life upgrades and Windows 10 compatible WinRems Software
TLD 3 Oven

TLD Materials

We supply a complete range of accessories ranging from the TLD-3 Annealing Oven, TLD Card Storage Systems, Annealing Trays, etc.

TLD Readers and Materials

TLD Materials

We supply a complete range of materials ranging from powder, loose chips, TLD cards, Dxt-Rad Extremity rings, Ext-Rads, Holders etc.


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