Radiotherapy Dosimetry

Phoenix Dosimetry Ltd specialise in supplying radiation  monitoring, radiotherapy dosimetry and measurement instrumentation for use in hospitals, clinics and medical centres across the world.  We are focused on the user’s requirements, by specifying and matching exact detection and measurement needs, we are able to deliver the best equipment for the particular needs of each client. Understanding the key features and benefits of our instruments for our customers in a variety of sectors, is key to our success. This approach allows us to align the development and evolution of our product range with the requirements of our customers and sectors in which we operate.

Micro Phantom

Dosimetry Phantoms

PEP versatile 1D small Water Phantom, NE-2566A Inter-Comparison Phantom for Farmer and secondary standard, NE-2528/3 5cm depth Water Phantom for Farmer Chamber, Micro-Phan


Bolus and Tissue Equivalent Materials

Bolus Material

Bolus and Tissue Equivalent Materials


Bart’s Solid Water for Electrons and Photons

Solid Water

Solid Water Slabs for Photons/Electrons with optional customised cut outs


Dosimetry Cables and Patch Panels Master

Extension Cables and Patch Paneld

Customised Dosimetry Cables, Bespoke and ‘off the shelf’ Patch Panels


QA tools from Eckel and Ziegler

Quality Assurance Tools

Quality Assurance Tools by Eckert & Ziegler – Isocentric Beam Checkers, PermaDoc Phantom, Reinstein EZ Cube Phantom


Harshaw TLD 6600 Reader

TLD Readers, Materials and Accessories

Harshaw TLD Readers Model 3500 and 5500 for Radiotherapy Dosimetry


NE2571 Farmer Chamber

Ionisation Chambers

NE2571/NE2581 Original Farmer Chambers, NPL-2611 Secondary Standard Chamber, Chamber Accessories / Spares, Bespoke Detector Holders

It is also possible to purchase the graphite thimble replacements and water proof sheaths (please refer to the sales office).


Block Cutter

PAR Scientific Mould Room Equipment

Automatic block Cutter, VacFi Bags, VacFix Pump, Melting Pots, Alloy


Area Monitor

Radiation Monitors

RadEye and Portable Radiation / Contamination Monitors for all types of Radiation TruDose EPD Personal Dosemeter


Mini 900 44A

Radiological Service & Repairs

Repairs for Legacy Mini /NE Health Physics and Radiological Instruments


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