Products shown here are just a sample of the overall portfolio for portable radiation devices ; please contact our sales office for further information

Polimaster PM1404K-3P Hand-Held Spectrum analyser / isotope identifier for the detection and localisation of radioactive materials for (gamma and Xray), alpha, beta and option for neutrons
Key Features
- Has 2 detectors Geiger and LiF/ZnS
- Gamma radiation search energy range 0.033 – 3 MeV
- Spectrum storage capability
- Small hand held with optional holster

Thermo Scientrific RIIDEYE Range Hand-Held Radioisotope Identifiers Patented Quadratic Compression Conversion (QCC) technology; they are well suited to support useres from a range of industries for contamination monitoring where isotope detection is required. The RIID is extremely accurate and easy to use, whether you are evaluating water or soil samples or searching for materials which could be used for certain illicit purposes. It is oftern critical to know the exact isotope in order to asses the potential threats.
Key Features
- Easy to read colour display
- Oversized high-resolution display
- Lightweight and balanced for comfortable long term use
- Temperature shock resistant
- Withstands drops up to 1 meter
- Easily decontaminated
- One hand operation
- IP 65 rating
- Rubber Shock Absorbers

NEW ‘Mini Handle’
As the old Mini-900 monitors are no longer produced they have been superseded by the new Mini Handle which accommodates the latest RadEye SX or GX models and seamlessly links them directly to the original Mini Probes in one convenient compact mount.
Key Features
- Handle
- Probe
- RadEye SX or GX
- Curly cable with MHV connecting on either side
- Set up and Calibration included
- Option for rechargeable batteries and charger

RadEye B-20 Ideal for Nuclear Medicine Departments / Low energy detection. 17 KeV-3MeV. Gamma Filter for H(10)

RadEye G-10 version incorporates a different energy filter in order to achieve a Sievert response curve according to ambient equivalent dose rate H*(10).

RadEye PRD4
Key Features
- Larger, brighter and more visible display
- Neutron radiation alert
- 30% improved sensitivity over previous model
- Switch into NBR mode ‘Natural Background Rejection’ – No false alarms
- It then only alerts when exposed to artificial sources
- Gamma and X-Rays plus neutrons
- Low dose rate detector material CsI(TI)
- Sensitivity (662 keV) 200 cps per µSv/h
- Energy range 58keV – 6 MeV: for dose and dose rate measurement
- 20keV – 6 MeV: for count rate (pager function)
- Dose rate range 10 nSv/h – 250 µSv/h

RadEye SPRD for detection/identification of Radionuclides
- unique combination of detector sensitivity and intelligent alarming
- identify and categorizes specific types of radiation or radioactive material
- Detects gamma
- cps per μSv/h (662 keV)) 200
- 60 keV to 3 MeV (+/- 30%)
- Typical ID-time @ 1 μSv/h (100 μR/h) ∼ 3 minutes
- Dose Rate Range: 1μR/h – 25 mR/h (10 nSv/h – 250μSv/h)
- 3 AAA batteries required (last approximately 200 hours)
- Maybe the only radiation detector that you will need!

RadEye GR The RadEye GR Grapple Monitoring System is a radiation detection device designed and proven through extensive testing for the extreme forces and harsh conditions experienced when installed in a grapple. The RadEye GR system provides and additional, significant seurity increase to present portal monitoring beause it is closer to the radioactive source and maintains contact for a longer period of time.
Key Features
- Compact detector size – negligible load capacity reduction while providing high sensitivity.
- Enhanced sensitive for low gamma energies.
- Superior value: Small investment and low cost of ownership.
- Multiple portable RadEye GR display unity possible.
- Extremely high battery lifetime.
- Nearly maintenance free.
- Very straightforward installation process.
- Simple and comprehensive data logging and reporting.
- Radiation test handled by single person.
- ViewPoint centralised real time monitoring option.
- Optimised shape and thickness of the detector dome allows even low energetic radiation to cause a significant signal in the detector.

RadEye AB-100 with dual large area scintillator probe for alpha beta gamma, also has inbuilt discriminator

RadEye SX Configurable to work with most popular scintillation probes.

Utilise your old Scintillator and Geiger Probes with the RadEye SX and GX
The RadEye SX and GX can be linked to more or less all existing Scintillation and Geiger detectors by means of a simple low cost cable, we’ll even set them up for you free of charge in our workshop.

A Range of Probes including the DP6 Alpha / Beta Gamma – These large 100 cm², dual phosphor (ZnS / BC400) scintillation probes are popular for monitoring personnel, tools and work areas for alpha and beta with efficient discrimination.

DP-2 shown – A well established general purpose dual phosphor (ZnS / BC400) probe which responds to alpha, medium and high energy beta and gamma

FH40 Digital Survey Meters with wide range Geiger and option for external probes including Gamma, Beta and Teletector
Area Alarm Via RadEye Mini 900 Lutetium Test Sources RadEye SX with Old Mini Probe

Area Monitor
The RadEye Area Monitor takes any standard RadEye and converts it into an Area Monitor with external relay for lights/alarm.

Lutetium Test Adaptors
These are useful as check sources but fall outside the legal requirements for a radioactive source, hence they do not require any licenses and, due to the long half life would never need replacing. There would also be no significant disposal cost. Available for all types of monitor including Gate Monitors.

We also offer customised cables for Mini Monitors and Scintillation Detectors with robust protective
RadEye and Probe Extendable Sweep Pole
RadEye SPRD and Pole
Radeye SX – DP6 Survey Poles

PRD Monopole

Stand alone Pole and Cables
We also offer stand alone poles and customised cables for Mini Monitors and Scintillation Detectors with robust protective sheaths.