Celebrating Success at the First IRMF 2024

Yesterday, at the International Radiation Monitoring Forum (IRMF) 2024, our team achieved remarkable success, setting new benchmarks and reaffirming our commitment to innovation and excellence in the field.

We proudly showcased one of our latest product innovations in proud partnership with Codeac Solutions: Single Use Detection Wet Wipes a groundbreaking method for detecting radioisotopes.
These pocket-sized Nuclear Detection Wipes offer portable and discreet testing capabilities for the detection of nuclear materials, providing definitive colorimetric results in under 60 seconds.

Codeac Wipes

🌟Simply tear, wipe the suspected contaminated surface with our saturated detection wipe, and get definitive colorimetric results in less than 60 seconds.

The positive feedback and validation from peers and partners underscored the impact of our efforts in driving positive change and raising the bar for excellence in radiation monitoring solutions.

We actively engaged with attendees through interactive demonstrations and engaging discussions, offering valuable insights into the latest trends and developments shaping the future of radiation monitoring.

Reflecting on our success at the first IRMF of 2024, we’re inspired to further advance radiation monitoring technology. Join us as we continue this journey at future exhibitions. Explore more at here Exhibitions – Phoenix Dosimetry (phoenix-dosimetry.co.uk)

We extend our gratitude to all those who contributed to our success at IRMF and we look forward to connecting with you soon.