AURPO Conference 2023

We had a very productive couple of days in Brighton for the AURPO conference. Met some lovely new people and enjoyed catching up with the familiar faces. We were absolutely delighted to be able to display our new product the femto-TECH CRM-LPT Radon and Air Quality Monitor you can find further information on this exciting new product here

Mike Sweeney from Phoenix Dosimetry at the AURPO Conference 2023 displaying new product CRM-LPT Radon and Air Quality Monitor

#radon #radiationmonitoring #radiotherapy #Monitor #crmlpt

Affiliate Members of AURPO The Association of University Radiation Protection Officers

AURPO (The Association of University Radiation Protection Officers) has the principal aim of increasing knowledge and understanding of radiation protection in the HERT sector through the promotion and interchange of information and best practice. Its Annual Conference and AGM is held each year in early September and we are proud to be an affiliate member.